"As a blacksmith can do nothing without the help of fire, however skilled he may be in wielding his tools, so a man should do everything he can on his side to purify his heart, using virtues as tools for this purpose; but without fire of the Spirit, everything he does will remain inactive and useless for his aim, for by itself what he does is powerless to cleanse the soul of its dirt and foulness." St. Simeon the New Theologian
احد الابن الضال - القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي
* الفصل 15*
*لوقا 15 : 11 - 32 *
*وقال : إنسان كان له ابنان *
*فقال أصغرهما لأبيه : يا أبي أعطني القسم الذي يصيبني من المال . فقسم لهما
معيشته *
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